Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Does Anyone *Like* the new "News Feed" Facebook Feature?

There seems to be an overwhelmingly large backlash against Facebook's new News Feed feature, which makes stalking people almost impossible *not* to do.

There are many anti-feed groups out there already, while this one imparticular seems to be the front runner gaining over 10 new members every second.

Question though - what are you thoughts? Does anyone here like it?

Does Anyone *Like* the new "News Feed" Facebook Feature?
It's so annoying! I don't like people getting up to the minute updates about me and what I do. Facebook stalking was better when it wasn't made so easy for everyone to do.
Reply:not at all. the format is so pro-stalking.
Reply:This New Facebook feature sucks hard ***, its like a Big Brother Initiative. If Iwanted someone to know my every move I would cc: them to by business. I thought I had facebook stalkers but know they don't even have to work hard.
Reply:I don't have a Facebook myself -- I tried it for a while and just did not care for it. I keep a little page on myspace. However, I am a graduate student at a local University, and the new News Feed feature was all the buzz on campus today. I heard several people saying that they did like it, but gathered, similarly to you, that the level of voyeurism was a bit dangerous. Seriously makes you reconsider who you want as "friends" and how much information you want to put out there!

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